Midnight Pub

Hello World


Hello small net, I’m ~deimos. ~bartender, I’d like a coffee with ⅓ eggnog and some sugar.

I’m in my late twenties, married, German and I’m doing vocational training to become a sysadmin. In my free time I sometimes do boxing, play board games or go for walks. Besides that I like to re-watch anime or slowly play through my Steam library. I found the name “Deimos” when I was 14 or so and thought “dread” - the translation from Old Greek sounds cool and edgy. Any coincidence with with the cosmos is accidental.

Currently I’m feeling interested in lots of stuff, but I’m afraid I’ll not stick to much. I want to host my own website / blog with Hugo, learn to write better user manuals than MS-Word documents, host my private internet storage and backup and make simple games in Ren'py and Godot. As well as other small projects I started and set on ice or abandoned. Having my own space and creations shared with the world is something important to me.

It seems a bit odd to me to describe myself. Is the sum of work + hobbies + general circumstances the essence of what describes me? I guess my goal is to try and pour my soul into the void and see if someone responds. This seems like a good place to do that and meet others doing similar.

I’m eager to be a part of this place and see what others are up to. Cheers!


Welcome! There are a lot of other dabblers and tech-interested folks on here, so you'll fit in quite well I'm sure.

I've had good luck with Hugo, and generally like it (although I find its way of making website templates to be a lot more complicated than, IMO, it needs to be). Still, simple modifications of existing templates hasn't proven to be too hard.

For an improvement to MS Word, are you familiar with typst? It's a relatively new project that is seeking to become a replacement for LaTeX. While it's not *quite* as feature-rich as LaTeX, it's a lot cleaner from a code standpoint, and does most things just fine. It also has a lot more built-in scripting (based on Rust, which is what the underlying app is made with). They have an online editor/compiler that is currently free, an offline version, and the whole project is open source.



Welcome to the pub ~deimos! Ask the ~bartender for the menu, the sandwiches are nice :)



Hi ~deimos,

It is nice to get to read people from around the world, with different situations.

~bartender, I'll get some water, please.
