Midnight Pub

1.6 eyed or so


The door opens, letting in a gust of fresh or rather cold air and a man. Someone had coined the phrase "a dude turning sixty and wondering if this is it, or not" for him. It created a few chuckles at the time. The man walks up to the bar, where ~bartender is busy about something.

Howdy, ~bartender! Guess, what! I can see you again!

The man smiles, takes off his glasses to clean them with a napkin.

Hot chocolate with spices?

~bartender inquires. The man nods and smiles. And while preparing hot milk ~bartender remembers the encounter a while back.

Did you get rid of the fog in your eyes?

The man smiles even more, puts his glasses back in his face.

Almost. I'm at 0.8 or better on both eyes, and I can confirm from experience now, that this is so much better than only 0.3 on one and 0 on the other side. Unbelievably better! The world look so much better now.

And while ~bartender is preparing the Hot Chocolate, the man adds a jug of water to the list. And a serving of "churros".

Oh, fresh churros, well, I have missed them. But lately they are offered near my home as well. I don't have to travel afar for those.

The man walks over to the table at his favorite window, where he is eagerly awaited by Smudge. He takes a seat, pulls his notebook from the backpack and starts it up. ~bartender serves drinks and churros, and Smudge changes places to the mans lap, purring away. Life is good.


I remwmber the first time I wore glasses. I was 28, and it literally blew my mind how much I could see.

I watch birds soar over my head everyday now.



Hello ~tetris, good to see you!

Yes, I had such a moment during university time, when I got a new pair of glasses, which fit the current state of affairs a lot better. I could see every single cobble stone down in the yard from the second or third floor /again/! That was sort of spectacular. :-)

~bartender? How about a nice stout today? I'd be ever so grateful.



Today I went to the opticians and to my surprise, they offered to clean my glasses for free. Apparently I can ask for this luxury at any time, I just never knew about it since I bought my glasses from them. I had a glorious 20 minutes of perfect vision before I took them off to rub my eyes and ruined it
