Midnight Pub

A bit of winter at last


While most of the weekend wasn't as lazy as I had hoped for, I'm now opening the door of The Midnight --- ok, it's a bit on the absurd side to go to The Midnight right after noon, right? But I don't care. So at least I'm heading for a lazy afternoon ...

~bartender? A stout as usual, please. And if there are leftovers from the meal of the day, I'd be ever so grateful!

Noone's in sight but Smudge. He's stretching while on the top cupboard --- seems like a new "favourite place" :-) Hi Smudge! So I head for my favorite table near the window. There's snow --- I mean it's a bit late for snow, don't you think? On the other hand, it makes life a lot more quiet. Especially out there at the old quarry, where I live. Let's see, who else is showing up. Or what the jukebox has to offer. Or well, maybe I just stare out of the window for a little while ...


Saturday was nuts. April does what it wants though.
