Midnight Pub

One black tea, please


~bartender, one black tea please. No, no sugar.

It's 11pm already, but i still not sleeping. i guess i have a problem with this. not even sure what's the reason. maybe it's my addiction to funny memes compilation videos on youtube.

i came to the city yesterday, after my little birthday party was over. all my relatives was there, wishing me all the best in my future.. but i'm afraid i dont have it. i know it's ridiculous, cus i have no intentions to discontinue my existence. i just... i'm just afraid that my dreams won't come true.

...well enough 'bout that. that negative thinking is gonna turn me crazy. let's just hope that i can come up with something. for now, i want to stop mumbling for a sec and listen to what other pubbers want to say.


Dreams have a funny way of tricking us into thinking they're the only things that'll bring a fulfilling existence. But life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and our experience of the future isn't easy to predict, even if we can predict the circumstances. Keep an open mind, keep learning new things and dreaming new dreams. Eventually you'll land on the ones that feel right. Happy belated birthday ~waffle.



Hello ~waffle, happy birthday! Ok, a bit belated now ...

~bartender? Some more tea for this sleepless soul. Maybe a herb tea to make them sleep well? Thanks. And yes, I'd like some, too.

The future will happen anyway, whether you like it or not. Some of your dreams will come true, however, you might not see that for a long time, because they look a lot different than what you expected. Happened to me. Some dreams I had to let go, but well, there are quite a few left to chose from.

Cheers! Enjoy while it lasts! Ah, the future unrolling just in front of your eyes thing ...



i often feel doubt about the way my future's going, too. what if i don't get that lucrative 6 figure tech job? what if college is ultimately a waste of time? what if my choices lead to me not even going there?

but i still have hope of a bright future that lies ahead.. you never know, you know?
