Midnight Pub

Coffee, 2 weeks later


I was heavy drinker of coffee for 20 years. I started to drink coffee at college. It tasted horrible. But I learned it is less unappetizing when milk is added.

So, I stopped drinking it 2 weeks ago. From 6 double cups a day to 0.

First day was ok. But than I got heavy headache for a day, when I took a painkiller. And then it was ok.

I still have some green tea every day.

I was expecting severe struggles, more headaches, so it is pleasing.

I feel good. I don't have huge cravings for coffee. Sometimes I do, but nothing I can't overcome.

I expected impact on my sleep, but I sleep more or less same. Maybe I feel I have more energy and I am less tired.

I will add another month of coffee less life.

Will see where it gets me.


I'm glad it's working for you! I stopped drinking coffee years ago, as I was also a heavy drinker. My reason was acid reflux, I did an overhaul of my diet because of it. I remember having some headaches right after I stopped drinking, but then I was okay.

Nowadays I can only drink decaff black tea, like Earl Grey, with some milk, at a maximum of 1 cup per day, otherwise my stomach suffers. Green tea is still okay, but I mostly drink herbal tea now (Rooibos being my recent favorite).



I'm glad you're able to grow from this. Drinking a lot of coffee seems to be normalized where people think its ok to just chug a lot of coffee - and this is from someone who likes having coffee everyday. Cheers!



Yes, normalized us society is spoiled and wanting only pleasure while refusing any discomfort.



I can only encourage you to go on with your project... i also was a heavy coffee drinker and only realised how much more energy (which i still find counter intuitive) i had if i don't drink coffee after i was forced to quit it due to a nasty gastritis.

Now i drink coffee again, but only one or two cups a day (and this is somewhat funny considered i work for a coffee firm now).



Thanks. Glad it helped.

In my case I wanted to break psychological addiction to this. Physically no problems from drinking.

Also want to break other addictions, to online , phone, news, movies...all that things that provide escape ...
