Midnight Pub

digital traveler


I open the door and enter

Greetings! It's great to be here, I think I'll take a mango raspberry cocktail if you have that. Otherwise, I'll take the very sweetest cocktail you have.

I take a seat

It's amazing to meet you. What's your story? How did you find this place? To be honest, I love visiting little digital nooks like this, it's an addiction of sorts. The potential connections to be made, the new relationships to form, and the otherwise unfathomable paths to be crossed is too tantalizing to ignore.

I pause, take a sip

But really, what brought you here? And what keeps you here again and again each week? I'd love to hear your stories.


Slowly but surely, the small web / indie web has drawn me in with the promise of chill vibes, a sense of anonymity, the opportunity to be myself. No ads, no trackers, no spam, just humans crossing paths and sharing thoughts.



Tracker turns from his comfy chair situated near a small cluster of other patrons to cast a smile at the newcomer.

"Welcome, friend. Like ~ew, I've been wandering through Geminispace since its early, energized, semi-chaotic, and rapidly forming days on solderpunk's mailing list. I wrote one of the early Gemini servers (space-age), and have very much enjoyed building and hosting capsules and useful server-side scripts in this space for several years now."

Standing and walking up to the bar, he signals the ~bartender and requests another glass of switchel, with just the right mix of apple cider vinegar and maple syrup to whet his thirst and bring a glad smile of pleasure to his face.

"I first came across the midnight a few months ago in the later part of this spring. It seemed like an interesting little hole in the wall to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life for a moment, hang up my hat, and engage in discussions with friends at a casual pace. I'll confess I've become a bit of a regular here this summer, even if I am frequently spending more time listening in on other's conversations than initiating my own, but the atmosphere is welcoming, and I expect you'll find something of interest if you listen in for a bit."

Nodding to ~davidvkimball, Tracker returns to his comfy chair and takes another sip of his drink.






Howdy ~davidvkimball, nice to meet you.

~bartender? A jar of that home made lemonade, please. It's going to be a hot day, pheewww. Thanks!

I don't remember exactly, how I got to know about this special place. But I have been on the gemini mailing list early, and for however long it existed. It died from some sort of hardware stroke, poor thing. Rest in peace!

What keeps me in gemini:// space, you ask? Well, I hate html? And markdown and Python? Hmmm. I have tried to publish a bit in .html, but hated it. Too much attention to details needed. However, I was immediately taken in by gemtexts simplicity. So my site is practically gemini only, after having dabbled a bit with a gemini-2-html shell script. Oh, well, simplicity, I guess, would be the short answer. And the right to view everything in my chosen size of jetbrains-mono font. I don't agree to those, who try to add styling to gemtext over and over again. I might even be unable to read it. That starts with emojis by the way. Never got the hang of it. With the possible exception of :-)

What keeps me here at The Midnight? Well, almost everyone volunteers to adhere to the Pub Theme. Some patrons use subtle language, which stretches my non-native limits quite a bit. But all in all, it is so much more pleasing.




Hey ~ew, thanks for sharing a bit of your story. I agree the atmosphere here is quite lovely, and it seems like many would benefit from a quieter, more serene place to stay once and a while amidst the chaos and confusing of The Current Yearâ„¢.

I'm interested in gemini, I've seen it references here or there, can you help me understand how I can participate and get involved in that?

Edit: actually, I found this resource!




You found the most important stuff already.

There is a curated list about things gemini-ly here:


The quickstart guide may need some updating, but here it is:


Activity is listed at these two sites (but there is more)


Creators of content contact antenna to add new links, whereas Cosmos is a crawler.



I learned about the Gemini protocol a while ago, then I found a search engine and statistics site about Geminispace that listed midnight.pub as one of the most active Gemini capsules/sites



Very nice. You're kindling my interest in Gemini, what do you recommend as a place to start?



I personally started by reading its Wikipedia page, then installed Lagrange - a Gemini browser - to surf it. I looked for a search engine or capsule list of some sort and found out about gemini://gemini.bortzmeyer.org/, which is full of resources and statistics.



Thank you, very helpful!
