Midnight Pub



My meniscus in right knee raptured while sitting on the chair in the office. Happed in mid of July. No way to move and very painful. Needed surgery fast. Took a week to get to arthroscopy. Now it is a month after the surgery. I spent that time mostly laying on the sofa with laptop /work / or iPad /entertainment/.

I still can’t bend it more than 90 degrees. Problem with stairs. Can’t bike yet. I started with physical therapy last week. Started with magnetic therapy. Knee is in tube with magnets. No feel. Not sure if it has any effect. I hope actual physical therapy will help.


Howdy ~petpave!

~bartender? Lots of home made lemonade, and quick, please! Yesss, PLEASE! Oh thanks so much! Much better now!

Well, I can't speak for knees, but for eyes. And I'm 27 days after surgery, and it is still a far cry of what it was before. I need to adjust my glasses by quite a bit, it seems. That shall be taken care of on Tuesday. And with that I might actually /see/ again in 3D. :-) Oh well, my patience has been pretty much exhausted by now, but there is actually nothing you can /do/. So enjoy the physical therapy as much as you can. I can only /wait/ and maybe hope for the best. Or at least for what the goddesses of eyesight can do. Cats are said to have good eye sight. And my totem is a fairly big cat, they say. Maybe that explains, why Smudge is here again, right around my legs.

me strokes Smudge --- hey, it's just too bloody hot to have you on my lap, believe me!

I feel the pain, anger, impatience --- all at the same time.

So I better close my eyes now, and have slow sips of lemonade. Cheers!



Health problems are really the worst :( I hope you all get better



You know, what's funny? Well, "getting old" apparently means, that as soon as folks gather they'll talk about their new or ongoing adventures in the land of health and health care. And I hate it. Its not over after maybe 15 minutes. Sigh. It makes me "feel old" --- oh the irony. But here I am, doing just that.

Don't listen to me too closely!
