Midnight Pub

No bread


From yesterday I took another challenge. I will try to go free from bread or any bakery product. Main reason is weight loss. I eat too much carbohydrates. Also want to reduce carbohydrates in general (rice, pasta, potatoes…). Instead I want to eat more fat. Inspired by Gary Petersons book - Don’t jog, eat bacon.

It will be really big challenge , I practically lived only on carbohydrates.

Will see how it goes after 2 weeks.


for the record - I eat bread again, it was too hard to skip carbohydrates



I went the full keto route a few years back. Lost tons of weight, got tons of attention from the fairer sex.

Overdid it, developed a narcissist personality just so that I could maintain the crazy diet (you have to get pretty Spartan with it at some point), and turned into a complete asshole.

Started getting back into eating normal foods. Fine, I'm not turning any heads, but I'm happy and can think properly.



I will see how long I will be able to keep it up. It already is a huge challenge after a week.



I got diagnosed with a gluten intolerance several years ago, and had to do the same thing. It's easier than you think! At least you don't violently puke if you make a mistake. Best of luck!



It is a fight so far. :(



As a compromise, how about eating only whole grain breads? It is both healthy and delicious!



Wholegrain bread 43g carbohydrates of 100g

Normal bread 48g of 100g

It is full of grain/carbohydrates. Yes, it tastes great :)



Yes, but the type of carbohydrates are quite different. You probably know, but there are two kinds of carbohydrates, natural and refined. Natural carbs are in fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread, brown rice, beans etc. Those foods are also high in fiber, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, etc. Good for you!

Refined carbs, like in candy, soda, pastries, white rice, white bread, are low in fiber and nutrients. So you can eat a bunch and gain weight but not much nutrition. That's why instead of just saying "NO BREAD" I think it would be more productive to say "NO REFINED CARBS."

All that said, you are correct that although whole grains are healthier, they don't help directly with weight loss. When it comes to losing weight, ultimately only one thing really matters: calories in must be less than calories burned. That's it. How you achieve that is up to you, but in my opinion the easiest thing is to just reduce the total amount you eat, a little bit at a time. You kind of need to retrain your body's "I'm hungry" limit, which can be a bit difficult.

Studies suggest that diets that focus on cutting just one thing like carbohydrates help in the short-term, but often fail in the long-term. What tends to work better in the long-term is slowly developing healthier eating habits, with smaller portion sizes.

Anyway, it's just a suggestion. If you still want to just say GOODBYE BREAD, good luck and more power to you, I really do hope it works for you! Best of luck in your weight loss journey.



Thanks nagonago, I know apple is healthier than donut, also I know formula calories in < calories out to loose weight.

Thank you for suggestions. Sugar in food is very addictive. Even in apples. For me it is like a potato chip, you eat one and u have to finish whole bag.

My body needs food, I decided to select more fat and protein instead of carbohydrates. My body has still a lot of carbohydrates transformed from protein.

Eating smaller portions didn’t work for me. I felt hunger for half a year.
