Midnight Pub

crimson red leaves


the other day when i was traveling in between towns i saw a strikingly beautiful red tree on the ride back. it had me so intrigued that i had to google what trees in my area could even get so red– we have mellow oranges, withering greens and crunchy yellows but the reds are usually bright. this time it was saturated. the bark on it was white if i recall correctly. what a beautiful tree! i hope that tree truly feels special knowing it's colors stand out this time of year.

what's something you've noticed recently that made you happy? :)


Something that's made me happy recently, Is music. It sounds so simple but there's something about discovering new music that just makes me feel so much joy. I've been digging into the pre radiohead alt scene and their influences and been having a great time.



Any names I should know about? Would love to know who their influences are



I would start at the pixies. A lot of pablo honey stems from that sound, Kurt Cobain's favourite band actually.



Pixies were great, and even Frank Black's later stuff still holds. I've been tracing grunge to its routes, and it all seems to stem from Black Flag's My War album, which I have to say was really underwhelming the first time I heard it, but its important grew on me the more I listened



music is wonderful! discovering new music is always fun, too. i make a playlist of albums i want to listen to and slowly listen to them every so often. my favorite genres are comfy synth, vaporwave and lofi!



Have you ever walked past a tree in your neighbourhood, one that you've walked past a hundred times without thought, only this time to wonder: what would this place be like without this one tree there?

The one tree I'm talking about is a few roads down from where I live, but I walk past it every morning to the train station. Its a large sycamore-y oak (I'm bad with trees) that towers over the houses there, caking their roads with its currently yellowing/browning leaves.

We've been having pretty drastic weather changes here, and I'm sure the house owner has thought once or twice about what would happen if the tree fell one night and smashed their newly redone roof.

The usual solution is to preemptively cut it down, and when that inevitably happens, this place will not be the same place again. The charm will just be gone.



On my walk into town there is a HUGE London Plane tree. I never really noticed it for years, then one day it was suddenly front of my consciousness. I followed the trunk up to the first branches about 2 storeys up, then followed the curve of the branches even higher. And they curved right over and got thinner and lower and thinner and lower until there were leaves at the end that I could touch from the ground. I was blown away by its magnificence. I can't help wondering what it has seen over the years.



I often wonder what trees see. They've sent permanent hills reduced to illuminated concrete; their friends disappearing faster than one can blink; the scant humans turning into a stream, and then a torrent; houses made from their fallen comrades getting closer and closer until one day they're beneath you; and then a sudden violent death.



Wow. What a perspective. I bet most human 'problems' are such a trifle for trees. Like we perceive ants or gnats.



it's true :( safety is important but if the tree has never caused any issues then it should definitely be allowed to stay there. there's just something so sad about cutting down trees. however we've been having lots of storms lately and i've seen trees be split in half from them... it can be scary. regardless i still feel bad. wouldn't it be better just to trim them than to remove them entirely?



I genuinely don't know, but you raise a good point - the tree might fall anyway, so why not cut it down early and save everyone the danger.
