Midnight Pub

done with the semester


Two days ago all my friends and I got done with the semester, and we spent most of yesterday in our own places, baking pies, starting roasts, siphoning yeasts and mixing liquors. And last night we held our only real function of the semester. In the past we'd get together to drink every two weeks or so. But this year, school and work have been tough on all of us, and most of us don't live on campus anymore.

So last night we got everyone together for the Thankschristmas bash. Loners and stoners and hippies and cowboys. ROTC kids and commies and anarchists and that one fascist dude. Jews and Muslims and Christians and pagans. Neuroscience majors, finance bros, an ASL interpreter... No matter what the path is, we all end up on the same tiny porch, ripping off the same pack of Spirit reds.

So whatever your drink of the evening, cheers! You can never make new old friends, so keep em close.


Sounds great! College really is a special time to meet so many different kinds of people. I always regret a little overworking myself instead of having a more bustling social life but we all do the best we can. Hopefully, you’ll remember those tiny porch stories fondly. Cheers to you as well!
