Midnight Pub

something different


"Hello. We have already arrived at the meeting place. Where are you?"

Normally, if a stranger talks to me on Messenger, it's always catfishing. I usually say that I don't know the person, or that they have the wrong phone number, and end the conversation. However, in this case, the person is often persistent and tries to continue the conversation. So today I tried something different: I simply said that I hadn't heard about the appointment today. To my surprise, the person stopped talking to me. I'm going to try this method for a while. :)

~bartender, can I have a cup of coffee with lots of cream, please?

Your call is very important to us, please hold the line ...


Cool! :D



in the cases where they are persistant, i love to start messing with them "oh sure can you repeat the location?" stuff like that. i don't do this with people i believe to be genuine but scams get the full force of stringing them along. after all, the longer they spend time on me, the less they spend time on people who may not realize its a scam



Oh that's a good idea! "the longer on me, the less on others." You are selfless. :)
