Midnight Pub

My first FreeBSD laptop


Yesterday I installed FreeBSD on an old laptop from 2011 that's been sitting in storage. It was originally a Windows machine, but when the OS was upgraded, I couldn't get technical support for it anymore, so I abandoned it. I've used FreeBSD on servers before, but never in a graphics environment like this. I had a hard time installing drivers for the old graphics card, but eventually managed to get an Xfce desktop environment up and running.

It's useless as a Windows machine, but I've installed FreeBSD on it and it's pretty good. I wouldn't use it as a daily driver because it's too heavy to carry around, but I'm going to try it as a sub-desktop at home.

~> neofetch
``                         `       monpetit@hermes
  ` `.....---.......--.```   -/    ---------------
  +o   .--`         /y:`      +.   OS: FreeBSD 14.0-STABLE amd64
   yo`:.            :o      `+-    Uptime: 1 hour, 38 mins
    y/               -/`   -o/     Packages: 487 (pkg)
   .-                  ::/sy+:.    Shell: fish 3.6.1
   /                     `--  /    Resolution: 1600x900
  `:                          :`   DE: Xfce4 4.18
  `:                          :`   WM: Xfwm4
   /                          /    WM Theme: Default
   .-                        -.    Theme: Adwaita [GTK3]
    --                      -.     Icons: elementary-xfce [GTK2], Adwaita [GTK3]
     `:`                  `:`      Terminal: xfce4-terminal
       .--             `--.        Terminal Font: Monospace 12
          .---.....----.           CPU: Intel i5-2520M (4) @ 2.494GHz
                                   GPU: GF119M [Quadro NVS 4200M]
                                   Memory: 3476MiB / 8132MiB


Hmmm I always wanted to breathe new life into an old laptop with a FOSS OS.

Sounds fun. All the laptop I have lying around don't have chargers for them and are effectively useless.

Good luck to you and your newish old FreeBSD laptop!



Sorry to be that guy but BSD is not Linux



"It's ok to use BSD, there is nothing wrong with BSD"

I don't think the guy is claiming it is.

Although them both being unixoids they are pretty similar.

Maybe I am a heathen and should be burned but

I am usually fine with people considering BSD a distro.



big tip i've seen recently with old laptops: you can use them pretty easily as media servers!



oh, interesting! share your tip, please. :)



this here is the video i recently watched on it:



Linux is a beautiful thing. Breathe new life into old hardware, Please do keep us updated on sub-desktop situation after a while.



I already have Linux Mint installed on two machines for work. This time I wanted to try something a little different. I actually tried to install HaikuOS on that machine first, but it failed after a few tries because it couldn't catch the graphics card driver. I'll have to recharge and try again next time. :)



i also gave haiku a try recently. my requirements were 1) a terminal and 2) a competant browser

unfortunately the browser requirement wasn't met (lol), so i ended up going with linux mint for the first time. so far so good!

if haiku ever gets a browser (or two i can toggle between) that work well with the sites i use most, i'd certainly be *tempted* to have another go with it.

~bartender, one mint julep, please :-)



Agree. Not being able to find a competent browser is a fatal flaw in haiku. Could there be such a browser in haiku? With a strong sponsor, there's no reason not to, but at least not for now.



I myself run arch on a old hp that my dad got from work. Currently its my daily driver.




~bartender? More hot chocolate, please!

May the force be with the newly awakened laptop for a long and prosper time, right?



Thanks, but for some reason, I think the drink that goes well with the word force is Powerade. haha!
