Midnight Pub

New here, this place seems nice.


"Hello bartender, I'm new here, pour something light for now, your pick"

I think this site is the culmination of what I feel is the best way to represent simplicity, this site isn't flashy, with tons of animations, popups, or anything like that. This site is a passion project which looks as nice and cozy as it can get.

Dunno what it is but, places like this one look and feel the best, they have the nicest atmosphere, and they generally just feel like a breath of fresh air from everything else. I wish more would strive to be as simple and relaxing like this one.

I'm rambling on about how great the site is but I think at the core, it reminds me of an old forum website, where people just post, post about stuff, stuff they like, stuff they dislike, opinions on stuff, and I really miss that since you can rarely get that anywhere else. Reading what everyone else posts here is kinda therapeutic in a way.

Anyways, thanks for having me everyone, I wish you all the best ♥


It's a good bunch of people for sure. It's so nice to have time-out from pop-ups and ads and cookie consent and commercial gain... Welcome!



Hello ~memer, glad to hear you're new here.

I like it here because it's loose, not because it's just simple, and I hope you find some enjoyment here :)

~bartender, I'll just have water today, I've put on a lot of weight lately :(



Howdy ~memer, welcome to The Midnight!

~bartender? It's late enough for a stout, isn't it? So, whatever the fridge offers. Thanks!

As you mention, the simplicity of this place is visible, you cannot ignore it. And for me it is an example for a long forgotten thing: the content should be a lot more important than the gift wrap or the box. Always be prepared to marvel at such items or occasions, whenever they cross your line of sight.

