Midnight Pub

How one second can change your life


When I received the key to this pub, I didn't know what to write about.

But then one second changed the whole structure of my reality, and it suddenly seemed the best place to share it, among internet strangers around a digital drinking session.

It is Iranian New Year. I travel from Tehran to my hometown, an annual tradition, to spend time with my family, both mine and my wife. Iranian New Year's holiday is also important for us because it is the birthday of my son, who coincidently was born in the 1st of the 1st month in the Iranian calender.

Because his birthday falls on a day people are busy with New Years, I held his ninth birthday on the second.

One the third, I was lying on bed, checking out my phone, and suddenly, I hear a loud sound. I get up, and rush, but deep inside, I know that sound, just changed everything in my life.

Before I know it, I see my son, on the ground, dead.

That's it. One second, one sound, and suddenly, the very fabric of my existance changed.

It is day Four now, since it happened. I'll try to see if writing about it helps.



Hello ~madali, good that you came in.

~bartender? Water, please, this man is thirsty. And maybe a towel and directions to the bathroom.

Sigh. I sincerely wish your son a very pleasant journey to wherever he is heading. Of course, for you and those, who have known him, his visit to planet Earth was just a bit short. We will embark on this journey at other moments in time. And we are expected to fully live that time that remains for us individually.



I send my best wishes and prayers to any god or gods you believe in. death is hard. death of a loved one even harder. sharing the thoughts surrounding it can help a lot. the worst thing you can do is close up and hide away from the world, no matter how much you want to.

~bartender, their bill is on me tonight.