Midnight Pub

Purpose (and a bike trip)


It has been a very short week for me it hasn't ended yet, but it really has gone by. And once again I am thinking and thinking and overthinking. I'm not entirely sure what to do and what I want. And I guess it might sound cliche but to understand more about myself and what I want I am planing on going on a adventure (bike camping) maybe I will have something else to think and not stress about life. lol I'm not entirely sure where to go, but I know that I will do this bike camping around Europe this summer.


If you do end up going through with this adventure ~sun0 , i wish you'll grant me a request.

Document everything. The medium, the frequency etc are all up to you. You don't have to share it if you do not wish to. But please, document everything.



I did think of documenting because if I don't it might as well have not happened.



Good for you! Even though I don't know you, I can relate to the struggle of knowing myself. I do hope you find what you're looking for and I hope you know, there's at least one Internet stranger rooting for you.



Thank you for your kind words :)
