Midnight Pub

on a rainy monday


finally, some much-needed rain is hitting my neck of the woods today. we are currently seeing some of the remnants of Beryl, and it's been quite the nice cooldown - currently sitting at a comfortable 71F outside and looking like we are expecting it to continue raining into the morning - which I am more than fine with. :-)

i've been spending the day getting caught up on some work (on the computer and around the house) and listening to some music on low while the rain hits the roof. the wife and I are planning on making some potato leek soup later this evening - looking forward to that!

days like this always get the song "Rainy Monday" by Shiny Toy Guns stuck in my head.

had a decent Fourth and weekend. my wife was off work, so I spent some time offline, visiting some family and hitting the lake. hope everyone else had a good weekend as well, and a great coming week.

~bartender, just a coffee for me today. need another caffeine boost! :-)



~bartender? Is some of that soup left by any chance? No? Hmmmm. Then I have to cook myself later this afternoon :)

No rain around here, but there are thunderstorms promised. Keeping an eye on





that's a cool site, thanks for sharing it. added to my bookmarks :-)

we got some really good storms up into yesterday morning. some decently heavy rains and some good wind gusts. enjoyed the nice (but sadly, short!) 'cool' front it brought with it.



What a comfortable day!



it was, and the soup only made it better!
