Midnight Pub

Oh, what a lovely day!


But not for everyone, from the looks of it. I'm slated to start work next week, and I've finished signing every document I need for work. It looks like whatever is going on with the IT outage hasn't hit my new workplace. It has, unfortunately, hit some places a few relatives work.

By far the worst hit is the nearby hospital that an aunt of mine works at. In the family gc, she's reporting a lot of internal panic from fellow nurses, people trying to re-work plans to allow their patients to stay comfortably while improvising on treatment plans. I asked what the plan was in the event a patient dies because they couldn't get treatment, and she believes a lawsuit would result from it. Meanwhile, another aunt working at a local call center says she's been given a few days break. No clue when work will return, she says.

My cousin had a dentist appointment, but when he got there, the doors to the general area were locked, and the only person was a single secretary who told him they couldn't even contact their clients because all information was stored on their computers. Not even a filing system was in place - they stopped using those a long time ago.

A friend works at a hotel, and she's not able to access bookings. Lots of angry customers in the lobby, she tells me. I can't imagine how this'll affect people at airports.

Y2K was 24 years late, evidently.