Midnight Pub

'Doin' it and doin' and and doin' it well'


my current anthem

for this summer:


les savy fav's 'legendary trippers'

if you've never heard them

listen to 'go forth'

and let your ears 'gasm with

rthymic pleasure

right now i am doin' it


it's been damn good to be

N  O
       B U L L SHIT

my mind is clear

my heart is..lighter (still H E A V Y, but i can carry the load)

and my focus is razor-sharp

god goddamn

so crazy how mired in

the proverbial mud

of A D D i C T i On(s)

to not see beauty or

recognize myself anymore

well, i'm fuckin' doin' it now

and doin' it damn well

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