Midnight Pub

my parents are not divorcing!!


the world has changed a lot since i last used this website properly. i don't drink, but this virtual pub sure is a nice place to be in. i should like a pot of tea, please, lavender and chamomile.

my parents have decided to try again, and they are doing so well. i don't live with them anymore, on account of my studies, but when i visit them for week-ends or holidays, i see them just how they were before. well, i suppose i should not say "how they were before", rather, they have overcome the hard times, and are making amends. they have evolved, progressed, and i am so happy to see them happy again.

mother is still invalid, there has been no word from the doctors, but she is finding ways to keep herself content. all the things i wrote about her before, i feel plumb terrible about it, and i should like to say that i take back every cruel word i said.

im not sure what else to write, but things are looking up. and i am trying to find my way again in this confusing planet. i will give it my best shot


I perfectly understand the feeling of guilt after criticizing a parent too harshly, or even being outright mean towards them when they are not there... It's easy to forget that in the end, they are humans just like us and their struggles are closer to ours than we think. I have very... special parents, so it's hard sometimes to be objective when I think about them, but doing that is part of growing up as an adult.



it is always good to hear that things are good. i'm new here, and probably wouldn't recognise this website the way it was when you last used it. lavender and chamomile... i should order one as well.

welcome back, from a past i do not know. from memories i do not have. but you will always have them, they are yours, always. to keep or to share.




~bartender? A jar of that home made lemonade, please? And I'll join ~violetsoup at her table, unless, of course, I'm not welcome ... :)

Thanks for posting this news. It definitely put a smile on my face! And it is another anecdote to support my view, that "putting all cards on the table" can (and often will) lead to new and completely surprising options --- once the dust has settled. I do know from my own experience, that the very act of "putting said cards on the table" may be daunting, it will hurt, it will make me feel insecure and wanting to hide. But afterwards, a lot of things may become a lot clearer --- like the scenery in the autumn sunshine just outside my window.




Glad to hear things are going a bit better :)
