In swoon of my heat exhaustion,
I find myself unseemingly cast among an deserted sea;
a sailor fated to an ill odyssey
Among a storm of doubts and unrecalled memories.
Among a rocky outcrop, hailed a Siren
Wailing to the top of her lungs like filling seawater.
I felt myself lured to her curtain call; a shark drawn
By a blood red scent.
Had I drew closer, my blood be drawn by her
Teeth, teeming with razors sharpened by the
sands settled on the ocean floor.
The Albatros, flying in with its wings spread
Across the heavens; shone in their shade
The gaunt and gruesome figure that
Gargled its siren song.
A screech from its beak and the waves obeyed
Rushing from deep beneath thrusting
My boat back from whence it came.
The moment my feet rested on the sandy shore
My thoughts turned to feelings of ease.
My gratitude for the Albatross was as
Immeasurable as the sky above.