Midnight Pub

Lurking memories in a cemetery


... it was 7 pm, the night sky was still unwinding. The cemetery is closed, only the cemetery employees could be seen inside. I didn't want to leave. I tried to hide. It's huge so I thought I could do it. But every time I had to pass by someone who would say "Hey, cemetery's closing", and I pretended to "Oh, really? Sorry, I gotta go", what a liar, me!

... I entered some kind of office, there was a big hall or corridor or something. Everything was golden colored. Shiny. There was a wide stairway and I dunno how many floors of rooms related to the cemetery's inner workings. I passed by a woman who said something about the cemetery closing, and I replied "uh... sorry... I'm looking for... Aldrich, he promised me he'd be somewhere around here..." and I pretended to go find this "Aldrich" I just had invented out of my head.

... I entered a closed and dark room full of graves and coffins. It seemed really nice and comfy to stay, but there was this part of me that thought "You'll become locked inside the room and you'll have no way out", and this thought rendered me afraid, even though I was really determined to stick overnight at the cemetery. There were lots of other thoughts of a cowardly part of me, such as "what if you need to leave? The cemetery is walled with barbed wire fencing, you'll tear yourself apart trying to squeeze by the fence". Such a coward.

... so there was this woman whom I passed by at the cemetery. I'm not sure whether she was an employee or if she was deceased. There was a man, wearing a leather jacket, sitting on a motorcycle, waiting for her. She left the cemetery's office straight to the main entrance, wearing a bride's outfit. It felt like she did that every day: she gathered with the man, with her dressed as a bride, and they kissed for so long, such an unmeasurable time... both riding a parked, stationary motorcycle, no hurry to leave. It was a weird thing to do, but who am I to call some behavior "weird"? It really felt like a ghostly thing, though: stuck on a memory loop, maybe she died before they got to marry... Maybe both are deceased... I dunno. Why to stay at the cemetery's office? Maybe she was hiding to stay at the cemetery overnight, just like me... Maybe they're goths trying to have a romantic night together near the graves (lucky him getting to be loved by such a wonderful lovely goth bride)... But no, they're probably ghosts, not haunting, but haunted by their past lives, trapped into some memory loop, just like me... something inside said it to me.