Midnight Pub



The clock hands are past five now that I've spent the last ten minutes removing Midnight's CSS. For reference:

html * {
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
background-color: unset;
color: unset;

p {
margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px;

I had to visit w3schools.com's CSS reference page to remind myself of what I needed to write.

I've cut myself a few times at work recently whilst unpacking products onto narrow, slender shelves. Sometimes people I'm close to have commented that it might be more than clumsiness. Aside, I've noticed the traversal of pressure from my heels, to the balls of my feet, before its final exertion on my toes, when walking. It causes me pain between what feels like my hallux and its nail. Consciously changing my behavior helped.

Similarly, I treated my knee joints with a heated poultice of yarrow and rosemary two days ago, which has helped ease debility. There's an excellent rosemary plant that grows near me in someone's yard. The best scent amongst any of the other local plants sharing its species. Come Spring, I might ask the owner for a cutting.

Tomorrow I wake at half three, instead of at eight. I will probably feel tired, but I don't drink coffee or eat sugar. I think I will listen to music and exercise to become alert.


I believe you may be in the same corner of the globe as myself. And I wish you luck in your waking early tomorrow morning. What sort of music shall you listen to?
