Midnight Pub



It's been a while since I last wrote here, huh? This semester was easily the hardest one so far. Many projects, many rehearsals, and many sleepless nights later, I've pulled through and now it's time for archival and regression into calm.

I always loved the metaphor of wind: breeze, wind, tempest, storm. I can't quite put my finger on why it works so well, but it works. Life doesn't ever become anything other than what it is. It's the intensity that changes. Every day is filled with joy and sadness and celebration and loss and grief. On a breezy one, you don't mind them. When the storm arrives, it's the only thing you can mind.

Time to get some fresh air, off to Denmark for a semester via ERASMUS+. We'll see what that brings. There will be lots of homesickness and being away from friends and, well, love. I think we'll pull through this one too. It's only a wind for now. Just like every other storm that's come and gone, I hope I'll power through this one too.

~bartender, a filter coffee for now. There's work to do!