Midnight Pub

If, only


If wishing you were intelligent was a sign of intelligence, would it be stupid not to; or would the stupid just not? Is this the wave/particle duality of blight?

I suppose the information one holds supersedes any direct experience; if I knew this (about intelligence) for a fact, it wouldn't matter what I did - any significance (by way of veracity) it might (even truly) have held collapses under the weight of its mere possession. Is this the wave/particle duality of knowledge?

I suppose all paradoxes are the same: products of phrasing/context rather than agents with intent or of chaos. All assumption, axiomatic or otherwise, is effectively a blackhole sun: producer and consumer; predator and prey; before and after. Is it any surprise then that oxymora and paradoxes share the same universe and are, yet, identified apart?

Depends, I guess; maybe it's only as much a surprise as it's not. If you really think about it. Maybe only if.