Midnight Pub

[null]sense - intro bit


#Introdociously coming in at bit 0, we have nothing.

I have some random bits that come out as fragmented thoughts, these are some of those, as I can recall them. I do post elsewhere, my main outerwebs space contains some of these ramblings (see end), but I feel a sense of inwardship and warming to this idea of cnxn through means of much simpler media. Thank you for taking any time you may to input/process/ and maybe output or feedback. I seek never to harm humans or machines, I think Jesus can agree with that somehow.

null or nul...NUL??
-that depends on who you ask.
I like to think that null is how you talk about the concept¹, while NUL is more or less the implimentation or symbol of NO, none things.²
hile NUL?!
No, don't do that silly!
1. spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense
2. foolish or unacceptable behavior.

1. any premise making zero or no sense, but is trying to do so real hard
2. testing, poking, pressing, breaking, that kind of behavior
3. ignoring null, wouldn't it just mean sense?

##thejikz in the outerweb:


##thejikz starting in the interwebs:


#And soooo....

Raising my third Shirly Temple (extra cherries duh) to the room, Cheers to you all. May the force be nearly in your vicinity sometimes!