Midnight Pub



~bartender, another whisky with tangerine juice, keep them comin'!

Oooh it's time to break the silence, the uh the sepulcral silence that I have been keeping. I am sure everybody's on the edge of their seats waiting to see what I have to say!

just kidding, I just so happened to be having a drink right now, and boy do I have a lot that I want to say these days!

But this is not the time... nor place. I'll be back on my fingers any day now, outputting reams and reams of text, kilobytes of er utf-8 I suppose speaking my mind out on all sorts of matters such as, eh, capybaras for example. That was a silly example, scratch that, I have nothing to say on capybaras. I have much more important stuff to say, about big issues like racism! and the like. Actually I have comparatively little to say on racism, only that it is not a science. Will I confuse matters more if I conflate biology with it? What am I saying, and why are you just sitting there and not offering to invite the next drink? ~bartender!

What was I saying? Oh, yes, writing a lot about a lot of things, the world's gonna hear me, and when they do, they'll know.. they'll know just what a sorry ass I am I guess. come on, I just made a joke, just, eh.... okay, nevermind.

It just so happens that I was sitting there, okay? And I was thinking to myself, boy was I thinking! I know, right? I didn't know it was possible either, and yet there I was, and I just hated keeping it all to myself and not illuminate the whole world with the great insights and the rhetorical genius of my inner monologue... I just hope it comes out sounding the way it sounds in my head when I think it, it all makes so much sense, too!

Of course, I know the result, you know it as well as you do. I'll be honest with you, I can understand why some patrons were inclined to delete everything they had written. Even if I hardly ever do that, just getting that stuff permanently online, the act of having let it "out there" for everyone to see, even if it's some stranger on the other side of the internet... it's a bit of an uneasy feeling, don't ya feel the same way sometimes?


nevermind me then

I still think it's going to be great. I am just waiting for they day when I decide (I guess) to fire up the ol' editor (which one am I going to choose anyway? vim or emacs?) and just fire away at my fingers and let the whole contents of my heart flow out in an endless stream of a wole lot of WRITING! And that writing will be great, and it will be about a great many things, and I'll be doing it in my little hackerstation with the linux build exactly the way I like it and everything will be nice and the whole world can go fuck itself and....

scrambling myself back up after such a strepitous fall as the result of my own words while drunk is not how I like to be remembered, dear patron, and I am sorry you had to witness that, if you'll excuse me, I'll just meander my way somehow among these tables -is this the mended drum, again?- and perhaps I'll see you tomorrow and hopefully I won't remember any of this. Hopefully you won't, either.


uh, what's that about a patrons' deleting exodus, care to share more folklore with a newcomer? but yeah, I started sharing that way on ig but I'm here hoping for that thrill of "letting the cat out" soon. And I'd use emacs with evil for sure.
