Midnight Pub

My cats


As a first post here, let me tell you about my three black cats (all rescues).

Pixie is non-vocal. She did a little beep the other day, which was the first thing she's said in over a year. But she's also the most placid, chill being on the planet. She has beautiful sleek fur and eyes that turn from gold to green depending on the light. She's less of a cat and more of some shapeshifting spirit who took a jaunt from the Otherworld and ended up in my house.

Sage is Pixie's sister and the complete opposite in personality. She's a cranky puss, with wild, chewed fur and a constant look of derision on her oval face. Because she had gum disease she doesn't have many teeth left - just a single snaggletooth in her bottom front gum. She doesn't half scream for her food. Bellows. Poor Sagey isn't well though and will probably have to go on chemo soon (she, like the others, is only young). Despite her crankiness she can be a soft little pudding and likes to be snuggled up with you every once in a while. She's very cute.

Finally there's Fox, aka Pudge. He's the youngest of the lot and the derpiest. A real no-thoughts-in-here cat with these huge saucer-like eyes and a heart-melting squeak of a meow. He's constantly chasing Pixie around and getting bapped by Sage who never wants to play. But Fox is all heart - a real snuggler. He also licks your face like he were some mutt.

I love my cats.


Your clowder sounds very spirited and fun to be around, ~voxparlour25. Cats are so strange and full of personality, it always warm my heart. To me they are fuzzy meowing little sparks in the cold greyness of everyday life. I wish you and your cats many good times together.



Welcome to the pub !



Thank you!
