Midnight Pub

A Madman Ruling a Mad Country


Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding father's once said this about mob mentality, "Too many heads, not enough brains."

I can't help but think this is the kind of group thought that has become somewhat normalized as a part of American culture, a group of people that doesn't think, but has surrendered the power of thought in place of convenience and hedonism.

As a person who grew up with Autism, being ganged up on is one of the worst experiences imaginable. So many people talking at once, over each other, unable to hear what they're exactly saying. Scarier still is how they, by instinct alone, have followed the example of the mob, abandoning reason in pursuit of following the herd. You're not sure why they joined the group other than to bully you, and you're not entirely sure if they're thinking at all.

With the recent changes in our government, I can't help but feel extremely concerned for people like me becoming another scapegoat, another casually along the long history of blunders our people have ignored in history class.

As the snake eats its own tail, so our society has come full circle. Sic Semper Tyrannis.