Midnight Pub

There is a void in waiting


There is a void in waiting. Exciting things are coming, and they are coming soon. But still I must wait. Not for long anymore, but time slows down as I wait. I've got my thoughts here. I've got a home full of things I like and things I like to do, but nothing interests me while I wait for what's to come.

I did schedule myself up to meet my friends in the coming days to help pass the time, but I'd say it's not quite accurate to say that I'd only done it to help pass the time for the things I'm actually waiting for. Rather, these activities have also now become things I'm waiting for, while tonight I still sit alone.

I won't be alone for long. Not only do I arrange to meet people, these people also seek me out.

One of the larger scale things I'm waiting for is daylight. We're speeding up. From winter solstice's measly 5½ hours of daylight (most of which was from behind clouds), we've already climbed back up to 9 hours. And spring brings clear and sunny weather. I feel like a plant, returning to life, from seeing the sun. I don't need to stand in the sunlight, but I want it to be there. I don't like dreary and cloudy weather.

In a month and a week, we'll be at the spring equinox, and the sun will stay up a whole 12 hours. It took two months for the sun to stay up 3 hours longer, and now it'll take one month to do another 3.

I can't wait for the bright days, when daylight lasts for many, many hours. Going home in the evening with sunlight. And eventually, summer will come, and I'll get to enjoy the bright evenings. I can stay out until midnight and still see in the twilight.

Living this far up north is a delight in summer, with such long and bright days, but the downside is the long and dull darkness in turn. It's passing, once more. The sun is coming back, and I'm welcoming it.