I wish I was better in english. I really liked the melody when reading it.
Hi ~bartender! You like poetry? I'm working on one. It's called Self Reminder. Lend a patron your ear?
There is no grace Beauty, wonder In its jagged Jitter self It wants it all It has no patience And it eats The veins of mind Chitter chatter Through the bloodstream It won't shut up It stuffs the flow But if we pause There is another That tries to sing Across the line It needs no pattern Lapping slowly Pulsing from Some inner tide And when we give Our being to it We find our hands Give care and joy Warmth will come And we will join With others hearts And secret thoughts Our feelings spliced We'll be together So each may give The thing they lack But when you think With calculation Or try to be The smarter man The wavey strength The soulful signal Gets cut off Then smooth turns sharp So drink deep And be empty Let others fill Your shallow glass Have short nails Careful fingers Have soft arms And gentle grasp So when the jolt Of urgent thinking Consumes your brain And body all Just recall The tricky switch The soothing hum When noise fades out
Thank you
I understand and can relate to the other feeling which you managed to describe in a very soulful manner, but I just can't quite make a word or concept of it. Could you possibly lend me a few more words so I can make more sense of it?
Thank you for reading it.
The language in the poem is supposed to contrast analog and digital signals and how they're almost like 2 ways of thinking. How digital signals are fast and jittery and filled with discrete binary data that needs to be processed. And analog signals are smooth and wavy contain organic things like music or the human voice. One is meant to describe a furtive analytical state of being where you can solve problems. The other being peaceful open and receptive where you can form meaningful relationships.