Midnight Pub



Here I am again. A small detour from my, now regular, walk across this new campus. Down to this familiar bar. ~bartender, some of that shitty vending machine coffee I had back in my hometown, please. I need a familiar taste.

Been in Denmark for quite a while now. Climate is cold. Days are rather short. No stray cats or dogs which means no animal photography. Still, beautiful scenery and functioning public transport. As someone that likes to drive and travel alone quite a lot, this is a good enough substitute.

I've been meeting new people, exploring some new ideas about what to show to people around. I've always liked these kinds of new beginnings: The clean slate, allowing you to be whoever you want to be. I've been doing relatively well at it I think. Most of the semester will go rather calm. I have time for stuff outside school now.

..Which is kind of a problem. Not having to do anything is new to me. Or rather, it's not new but it's like one of those friends you haven't seen in 10 years. They are unfamiliar, you don't know how to approach them like you used to. I've been trying to fill it up with good things.

Regardless, it will be fun soon. I'm hopeful.


it's excellent to hear that life is treating you well. when you figure out how to approach the decades old friend of free time, i'd be interested to hear what you choose to fill that space(time) with. good luck with the rest of the semester and try to find little pieces of home wherever you go.



thank you! i will definitely be writing about it in the future. hope life treats you well too.
