Midnight Pub

Steven universe: vCJD edition chapter 2/ Enrtry for side B of vCJD


Chapter 2

Connie and Steven walked together near the beach as they are talking about the current events in Homeworld and earth.

 So what restuant did you go to?

 Well, It is across the street where we are going, I think.

 That restaurant? You know that there is an outbreak of vCJD in that place. 
If you can’t understand what restaurant you went to then it might be a problem, or it could just a normal issue. 
In any case, let’s get you to the hospital.

In the hospital, Dr. Maheswaran, sends Steven to a neurologist to do a tentative diagnosis for vCJD. There he tells her the bad news. There she tells it to Steven. 

 So Dr. Maheswaran, what is the diagnosis.

Dr. Maheswaran
 It’s bad. You contracted vCJD, a prion that inflicts the brain. It will cause irreversible damage to the brain and is fatal.

 Is there a cure?

Dr. Maheswaran
 No, there isn’t any. It is a terminal disease. 
Judging how most of your kin are undergoing dementia like symptoms, connie will take care of you. 
Connie, take Steven back to home please.

 Right on it. 

Dr. Maheswaran
 Thank you.

This doctor visit shook him to his core. 
He would at least hope that the gem will still be there. 
So when Connie took her home, he went to his room and talked to rose.

 Rose, If you are there, are the memories still there or are they leaking?

There rose appeared worn down like age.

Rose quartz
 I afraid not Steven.

There Steven begins to panic.

Entry for side B of vCJD


Refusal of their circumstances sets in. Irascibility, fear, and insomnia mute any moments of positive emotion as prions continue to multiply. A tentative diagnosis may occur around this time, though a confident diagnosis is only possible post-mortem.

We see the sun descended and our pyramid worn down a bit. During this side, there is a brain.

We hear about the incident.

Real life incidents

In the 1990s a cow in a cattle ranch in Sussex England, was inflicted with a type CJD called sporadic CJD (sCJD).

The British government believed that vCJD-infected meat products would not be able to infect other animals. This was founded on their experience with scrapie-infected sheep, which had proven unable to cause any illness in humans.

Even when it is proven that vCJD can spread to animals, the uk still brushed it off.

In 1994, they began getting reports of people beginning to show symptoms of vCJD.

The first known death from vCJD occurred on 21 May 1995, when the 19-year old Stephen Churchill died.

The uk continued to emphasise the safety of British beef . Until trade from the outside was barred. There the uk banned the sale of beef and the Transmission of vCJD fianlly ends.

178 people would go on to die from the disease.

It could be assumed that our protagonist is in the uk during this incidents. This add immersion to our scene. Let’s continue on to our next side.


I enjoyed the concept and execution! first I've heard of the music listening as story telling, great idea, and the music also!



Thank you, i am planing on making more of stories as this story finishes.

Each of the crystal gems in Steven universe, represents a famous album in the caretaker community.

Here is the planned list for my other stories:

  • (Everywhere In The Beginning Of Nowhere) for garnet
  • (Nowhere At The Millenium Of Space: redux) for amethyst and louq (oc)
  • For pearl, I dont have any idea.