~bartender, life returns and nature heals, I'll have a hot chocolate about it.
What a ride it's been lately. I've attended big and cool events. I went on a week-long trip abroad with a new friend of mine. I've had my usual music lessons, and I've watched a lot of things unfold in the last few weeks. And when all that was dealt with, I caught influenza, which kept me down low for a while.
The combined effect of all this is that all the big events I've been excited for came one after another, and then I was ill at home a while. A fog descended over me. All the things I had waited for had happened. Now what? Long days of socialising and activities turned into boring days of headache and no activities. The contrast was stark. I felt a bit hollow. Glad to have seen and done all I had, and sad that it was over. I felt empty, now that all the big things I had waited months for had come.
Going back to work and usual routines after I recovered from the influenza didn't do much to help. Things are too normal. I sat with fog in my head, not quite sure about what day it was or what I was to do now. What will I do now? All the exciting things are over.
But it cleared away, bit by bit. All my friends back here helped me, they've made plans with me. I have new things to wait for. I'll also see my new friend again soon!
At work, we got to start planning how to use our yearly holiday weeks. That reminded me of more things I'm looking forward to later in the year! Plans already in the works, other plans yet to be made. I strive to always have something to look forward to, small or big things, casually seeing friends and cooking dinner, or going on big adventures.
Several of my colleagues want to spend their 4 holiday weeks all in one go. I'm meanwhile one who likes to spread my weeks out over the summer, giving me more breaks along the year. I've also planned to go places and do things that happen at different times, so that works doubly well for me.
One song is currently conquering Finland and Sweden. After a big upset victory on Saturday in the Swedish Eurovision selection, the Finnish band KAJ and their silly sauna song "Bara bada bastu" has gathered huge support on both sides of the Baltic Sea. Have a look: