Midnight Pub

Steven universe: vCJD edition chapter 3/ Enrtry for side C of vCJD


Chapter 3

A couple of days have passed and Steven’s condition is getting worse. 
He cant memorize the name of his favorite donut shop to even the names of the people without forcing his brain to do exercises all day. 
He can't walk without falling down so many times.
In that time, Connie had an idea. 
Steven and Connie can fuse to form Stevonie. 
In this fusion, she can see what is inside of his mind as long as the fusion continues to exist.

 Hey Steven, im going to see what is happening in your mind. So I am going to fuse with you ok.

Steven never said anything for his mind cant under her.

Nevertheless, they both fused and Stevonnie looked around in her own mind. 
Around her is just a red myst, that moves with the winds. 
On the horizon, she spots a worn down pyramid and the sun near it. 
It’s a horrifying sight. Like an eldritch creature looking at a human.

  It’s eroding the pyramid.
  The pyramid is eroding.
   I am eroding away.
  I am …


vCJD side C


As neurotransmitters suffer continuous erosion, recollections become more difficult to remember. A conscious effort to recall is required. Motor control continues to degrade, leading to uncontrollable jerking, slurred speech, and the inability to comprehend it. Their mental state continues to worsen as insomnia, hallucinations, paranoia, and hypersomnia set in.





things are getting worse. The pyramid is now lost the tip. As the sun ever draws closer like flame of the candle burning the wax. The music is echoed, and the crackle is becoming more apparent. This is the last side before things begin to change for the worse.


isnt steven universe a kids cartoon?



Yes it is, but it is not like bluey. The lore is deep in this show. That allows me to build from that lore. This is a my own Alternate Universe.
