A couple of days later, steven has given up trying to remember things. His mind is now swarming with broken thoughts. With only a couple of minutes of clarity nested in hours of unrelenting winds. He can only write because he cant speak. He can't even walk without looking like that he is crippled. Connie was curious of about what vCJD is. So she looked it up. There she finds the album the album that shows the pictures. That she saw in that vision. While listening her mom (Dr. Maheswaran), asked about the song she is listening. She was skeptical at first but then was amazed of the album is capturing. She tells Connie what is currently happening to Steven. There, she was able to match the description to what Steven is going through. Dr. Maheswaran There is a couple of days left until all of Steven’s memories will be eaten up. Keep track while i am gone. Connie Right on it. Near the end Steven felt that he is happy, but it only lasted a couple of minutes.
The victim loses all hope as extreme erosion and worse recall dominates their memories, while the cerebellum continues to decay as prion multiplication soars. Singular recollections become distant and actively decay in real time.
By now from
endthe pyramid is becoming less like a pyramid and more like a mound of dust. Now it looks like the star is going to touch the pyramid. However, the progression shows that the pyramid is never going to touch it for by then it is not a pyramid any more. Some of the music are now edited so much so that it could illustrate how much the memories are falling apart.
Things are getting worse at our next stage.