Midnight Pub

Steven universe: vCJD edition chapter 5/ Entry for side F of vCJD


chapter 6

The writer
 It is quite poetic that I saw Steven’s corrupted form in the memories before the horror begins. 
For i’m currently handling Steven’s condition to avoid it from happening.
You see, corruption is when a gem undergoes an extreme amounts of stress that transforms the gem into a monster. 
The gem’s memories are used to form the corruption.
Gemcrash records all the memories and uploads them.
The problem here is that shortly after it uploads the memory, it erases the memory. 
By this point with the exception of fusions, crucial memories that are used to form the gem will be lost.
So, if the gem corrupts, then the gem wont form. This will cause the gem to break. 
A gem that is broken prematurely, can cause the world to collapse.
Why is this related to Steven?

The writer
 Without Connie and I, Steven is a time-bomb waiting to explode. 
We are both trying to confort Steven during this time. 
We had planned on how to partially restore his memories at some point to confort him.
However The sirens almost pushed him toward the edge, so we need to keep track of his progress through out all the way. 

So I took on a corporeal form.

At home, Steven is sometimes heard screaming. 
Even at night. 
Now it be came headline news and everyone in beach city was now shook with this news.
Even after the bans are lifted, no one ate any beef at all. 
This caused many restaurants to undergo bankruptcy and permanently closed.

I went to Steven’s home to help with his condition, but first I had to talk to Connie directly. 

 Hello, there… What’s your name.

The writer
 I am just the you met in Steven’s brain. I have a plan. 

 Ok, so what is it?

The writer
 We need to be in Steven’s mind until he finally calms down.
Within 20 days, your mother must set up End Of Life care for him. 
This will help him in the end. 

 Okay, I know what to do but first i need to call my mom first.

The writer
 Okay then.

There Connie talked with her mother about the plan.

Mrs. Maheswaran
 Absolutely not! 
You cant leave someone behind all alone. 
That person might die unexpectedly.

The writer
 Let me tell her.

The writer
 Mrs. Maheswaran, I have some important information to share to you. 
One of your patients, Steven is suffering through severe mental anguish. 
If nothing would be done, Steven will corrupt. 
We know what happened a few years ago. 
By our current trajectory now he only has less than 20 days to live. 
So it is recommend to set up end of life care as soon as possible. 
During your preparations, Connie and I will try and calm down Steven as most as I can. Don’t worry that your patient is not going to prematurely die. 
By then he is already paralyzed. 

Mrs. Maheswaran
 Ok Now i understand. You may do it Connie, good luck out there.

There the writer stood behind Steven’s head and Connie is ready to fuse.

The writer
 You ready?


The writer
 On the count of three. 

The writer

The writer

The writer

There Connie and Steven fused. 
The writer climbs towards the pyramid. As I prepare to give clarity to Steven.

We manage to get some sort of clarity temporarily. but only for a few hours. 
It is not enough.
So we continued on.

vCJD side F description.

Prion damage has made lucidity impossible, with moments of clarity being few and far between. Muscle spasms, involuntary writhing movements (particularly of the arms and legs), and tremors become extremely noticeable. The cortex is ravaged as prion multiplication continues to tear microscopic holes in the brain matter. The patient's entire existence collapses and this leads to panic attacks, night terrors, mood swings and unending horror.





It’s more like blood now. The black hole, is not just boring the wax, it is burning the entire home. There is a part in which when the hell sirens play. In that part almost everything is blood red. Then next comes a calm period and some sort of clarity before falling back into confusion. We are nearly there.