Midnight Pub

Steven universe: vCJD edition chapter 7/ Entry for side H of vCJD (Finale)


Connie stood by Steven side for the rest of the day. 
While Dr. Maheswaran was caring for the gems. 
Connie was there. 

At 12:00, at midnight, almost all of the gems are going through lucidity.
Yet, Steven is not up. 
He is not lucid.
He is still in a coma.

However, in the inside I save him.

Soon, Connie saw a blue light that was once his eyes.

 Hey there Connie.

 Steven, you are back!

 Well not for long.
I am going to ascend with all of the crystal gems.
However I will be there with you at some point.
I hope.

 Hopefully, you will be back.

 Even if i cant come back.
Always remember:

Side H

Days turn to hours and hours turn to minutes. Over the course of less than a year, their entire life has been ripped out from under them - and they have endured unimaginable suffering.
Now, they approach the end. The mind can atrophy no further. Outsiders witness a barely living person that has lost their connection to existence, every so often making the slightest movement - the slightest noise. Living is alien to them - their muscles no longer move, and their lips no longer speak. They are deaf, blind, paralyzed, and stranded in a vegatitive state that they will never awaken from, no matter the circumstances. Even terminal lucidity, a rare condition associated with other memory conditions, is impossible due to the damage sustained by the brain.
In recent years, advancements in end-of-life care often lead patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease to a quiet, peaceful death.




to the last moments of our protagonist,

Their mind is now just hollow. Nothing exists. There a light begins to glow and the pyramid begins to form. This leads to DNR.

DNR stands for Do not resuscitate. Meaning that if the persons heart beat stops, they wont preform CPR or any life saving procedure. That means the person is clinically dead.

As mentioned in the description:

Even terminal lucidity, a rare condition associated with other memory conditions, is impossible due to the damage sustained by the brain.

So why is the light pyramid there?

Well, it’s not lucidity at all. It’s a final clarity before dying. It’s not lucidity, but a final clarity before dying.

In the video The pyramid flashes in morse code:

 I will always be with you in my heart.

There the pyramid begins to decay, only showing a singular light and, then nothing. Ending the album.

That was his last words before his mortal life finally fizzled out.

end transmission

full stop

A blissful demise.

As for the rest, they two ascended.

Garnet was first to ascend, next Steven, then pearl, and finally Amethyst/Louq.
As for Connie, eventually her soul ascended too and he reunited with Steven one more. 

They all lived in a house, near a beach, in the world. Outside of Steven’s universe.

The end


vCJD is one of the shortest albums in the care taker community. You don’t have to sit through hours of post-awareness. This means that I watched through the entire thing at once. The album was executed flawlessly and I recommend you to watch the visual, or if you dont have the time, watch:

vCJD In Less Than 3 Minutes by GastyerWolf

He also made the visuals for vCJD, so thank him for the video.

Phew, that is the end of the story and this album series as a whole. I will make a story for NAMOS:R, but I will take a break so that I can catch up with other work and to listen the entirety of the series. If any one has a recomendation or wants to critique my story, leave it in the comments. That’s all. Thank you all for reading. Louq, signing out!