Midnight Pub

Just popping in for a beer


I walk through the familiar alley in the dusk, find that beautiful, shitty old door, and waltz on in to best pub that never was. "I'll have a stout please—No tab, here's five bucks—I just want the one drink... Thanks." I retrieve my beer and shuffle over to my corner by the fireplace. I toss a splintered log in; I like it warm. I open up my laptop, plug in my headphones: The Dreadnoughts - Victory Square (full album). Hits the spot. Time to churn out a couple pages on the depiction of Custer and his Folly in the media. It's an interesting enough topic, but not eight-pages-interesting. Eh... I'll get it done.

How's everyone else in the dying days of the spring semester? I guess most of you don't *do* semesters anymore, or even think of years as split evenly between the three seasons of Spring School, the Glorious Summer, and Fall School.

- shiloh


Hi shiloh. I work at a university, albeit on the research rather than teaching side, so I do hear the waves of semesters crashing in the distance. They used to make themselves known by the presence or absence of undergraduate students. The corridors, coffee shops and nearby pubs would be fuller or emptier depending on the time of year (although those of us working there all year 'round always knew somewhere quiet to go!)... but now semesters are even more muted as I work from home.

Still, I hope you made headway on your essay as well as your pint! They have a good house stout here. When I lived in the US I used to enjoy stouts and porters by Deschutes (Obsidian Stout, Black Butte Porter) and Heretic (Chocolate Hazelnut Porter) - not sure I've ever had one from Florida though!



Hi! I finished the essay yesterday, but rather than a beer, I went out hunting with my dad for the evening. Didn't get any hogs, but it was nice to see the sun set over the palms and pine trees and cattle fields. To be honest, I haven't made much headway into different breweries and varieties, but I'll keep those in mind so I can enjoy something new.




Wow - my life has been solidly urban since the start of the pandemic so your description of palms, pines, fields and sunsets is certainly evocative! Congrats on finishing the essay - enjoy the pause between assignments :) .
