Best way to calm down on a Tuesday evening has to be watching the Night Sky ( with a Two B, or not Two B (!
Might I join you with my Old Fashioned while I take a break?
I'm in need of something to calm my nerves, and a good drink tends to suffice
Best way to calm down on a Tuesday evening has to be watching the Night Sky ( with a Two B, or not Two B (!
Might I join you with my Old Fashioned while I take a break?
That you may, there's quite the view tonight. It's too bad we don't yet have a way to watch it as we relax on the terrace, but that will come in time
Yeah, almost like we should add chairs in there. Mmm..
Here, have a stool I built!
Haha, love that creativity!
Thanks Chief, I needed a nice word today
Had a tough day?
every day, yeah
Sorry to hear that pal. Feels to me like days are all the same. At least I get to do some virtual cocktails and hear interesting stories. What’s on your mind?
Just coming to terms with the fact that I'll never have one of those hero stories that people my age have in movies, and I'm doomed to a slow burn of a life working and sleeping
What's intriguing about life is that "unexpected" exists. It's both scary and exciting. Events will come, and there's no way to predict them. Good and bad. Sometimes, even movies look dull compared to what can happen in reality. That's one of my favorite things in pubs: people go out of their way, connect, and build stories. After all, even in movies, the best adventures happen to regular people with the most boring lives. Cheers to a next year full of happy unexpected, fireflies!