Midnight Pub

Escaped the lego store


Pfff, that was close! I think I just escaped the lego store without buying anything. All new pretty combinations of plastics, hard to resist! Thanks for letting me in and catch my breath. Can I have some dutch courage to close the browser tabs? Ketel 1 if you have some but that English knock off they call gin will be fine too.


Sadly, I was unable to escape. My roommate and I bought some legos and whiskey and spent a few hours building our sets. The soul is happy, the wallet is not.



Oh, that sounds like a lovely combination! Must.. resist..



That takes commitment to be able to leave the lego store without buying something! Commitment and grit, nothing less. Well, glad you found your way to the Midnight. You know, I think we might just have a bottle of Ketel 1. Yes, we definitely do! Here's one for you. Welcome to the pub!



Thanks, tabs closed, you're a life saver. Cheers!
