Midnight Pub

nevermind the mad man's mumbled musings


i love alliterative language (lots of alike leading letters, littered liberally alongside little lexical linkages) and the art of assonance (an alternative to alliteration that allows additional access to the alphabet). sometimes such sentences simply string sounds that seem supremely satisfying but skimp on sense and subtlety; whereas well-written wordplay won't wander too wide of what one would write otherwise. for quality craftsmanship, conciseness is key: can you creatively convey complex concepts with quirky consonants and cause them to come across quite casually?


One of my favourite party games is word-*dis*association, because it requires a large degree of abstract thought and consent from all participants that, for example, the words "hat" and "duck" are unrelated¶.

So in a similar vein, I offer you a sentence with (hopefully) no assonance or alliteration in it at all: this sentence needs more hard thinking so that future words become read as unfluently as possibility allows.

¶ - "Aha," I hear you cry, "but a duck could wear a hat, or a hat could be made of duck feathers"! Indeed, but have you ever seen a duck wearing a hat? Or a hat with a duck feather in it...? (the debate rages on)
