Midnight Pub

Red wine tonight


Spending some time with the family today, and I must say the red wine is particularly good. It's probably got to do with the fact that this year is coming to an end. I'm not sure what 21 will be all about, but the good news is I still have some time to reflect.

I'm currently writing this message from NetSurf, a web-browser who was initially built in 2006 and is still maintained to this day. What's admirable is that NetSurf has built its own layout and rendering engine from scratch, which is a good change from most of the browsers out there. The browser's code is very lightweight and loads very fast.

Yet it does come with some drawbacks. One of them is that it only supports HTML up to version 4, and CSS up to version 3. That basically means most websites will break if you load them with NetSurf. The biggest issue though is that there's no JavaScript support. Some might actually consider the above as reasons to use NetSurf!

On their documentation, one of their stated goal is "Have fun":

NetSurf is developed in people's spare time, so our main goal is to have fun – hopefully learning something and creating a product that people find useful along the way.

This reasonates particuarly with me, and is the main driver behind that little virtual pub you are currently reading. But enough talking about NetSurf. Here is the link by the way if you are interested to read more:

G'day m15o!
You probably already know this, but just in case you don't, and in the spirit of lending a publy polishing hand, I noticed that on this page:
there is this link:
which I imagine is to be the "RSS feed"... but currently showeth but this:
Page Not Found

Thanks for finding this out! I actually polished some parts today and fixed the problem with the feed link. For the sake of experimenting, I also decided to disable the "zones" and "pages", and instead, focus on the posts.

What I love about writing is that it's powerful enough to set an atmosphere without resorting to other mechanisms. My hope is that even though "zones" don't need to be selected anymore when writing a post, we're still going to use them in our words, and maybe even talk about other ones that weren't even listed.

When it comes to pages, they are still around, but not listed like they were before. I felt like by having both posts and pages, the pub suffered a sort of paranoia. I'm hoping the focus of this place remains the reason why it was created: a small place to exchange how we feel. I think posts are great for that.

While in an oblique way I can understand the changes that were made, I don't know if I particularly love the transition from "conversation" to "letters on a messageboard". It's definitely not a way that I'm particularly skilled at communicating but I leave it to those who are more vernacularly inclined

Thanks for your candor fireflies! I must say a big part of me is scared of that change as well. I never thought about it as "conversation" to "letters on a messageboard" but you are actually spot on. The commenting system is still around, and you might know me by now - I love to experiment. Let's see how we can make this pub's software evolve. :)

Bartender, I'll take a re-fill please!