Well, I'm just sayin'... given what communication is... or, perhaps more precisely, isn't....
For example, my favorite aunt (extremely instrumental in my life for having introduced me to the Beatles at roughly age three while babysitting me) and I talked for the first time in, let's see... roughly 11 years the other night.
We'd exchanged maybe four or five emails in that time, but her response rate isn't nearly what I need to feel it more (than less) possible something between us isn't awry.
But, well... I guess the problem was (um.. is.. <coughs>) primarily me. I was early to the local BBS scene, to the internet, could already type like gangbusters, and was slowly evolving an inner attitude of minimalism that had me believing perhaps soon enough I'd have need for very little but an internet portal.. that digital content could become my sole source of conceptual nourishment.. and somehow I just couldn't grasp how I wasn't remotely close to being in the majority in that attitude.
On the "not my fault" side, it doesn't help that it seems most are bountifully satisfied with "small talk" (see also: sufficiently socially safe to not hang oneself with..?) for most of their communication needs... which tends to have me doing finger tapping and/or eye-rolling exercises faster than a URL gets 404'd....