Midnight Pub



People like that seem so blatantly dismissive and disrespectful, which on it's own should indicate a lack of awareness or consideration, plus I doubt anyone that ever "forgets" is ever actually incapable of "getting it" when it's just telling the difference of ONE and the OTHER. It's very simple, I think it's j a buncha excuses for laziness or unreliability.



For me it's more like "How did my species ever wind up conflated with theirs?".....



Some people will defend it and say "well they all go to same land fill anyway!" and they're right (for the moment only), but it's also just hard to blink past their "not my problem" attitude. We *will* get better at recycling tech, and when we do, it can only be of benefit to the world (that we all collectively inhabit...!) when the trash is pre-sorted.



Looking back at the varieties of "eternal septembers" I've endured over the decades, forgive me if I'm a wee bit too jaded to embrace the word 'we' when it comes to species progress. My experience has been more like:

1) A few intelligent people invent and mutually enjoy an amazing thing.

2) Hoards of morons arrive to entropy (as a verb) it into a cracked, faded, often miserable husk of what it was when mostly intelligence populated.



When I was younger I really used to believe in people, and would chalk down any talk about the 'ignorant masses' as just pure elitism.

Sure, some of it was elitism, but now as I get a bit older and more jaded with this world of ours, I am swaying more into the camp of 'at least the elites know what they are doing'.

I just hope the elites can empower everyone as they progress, instead of this widening gap I keep seeing.



My current less-than-optimistic thinking is "elitism = ego + luck", the primary (if not only..) empowering therein being the tendency of luck to incite ego to drill down into greater depths of self-centric indifference to(ward) others.

Thus do I consider an admonition against breath-holding appropriate....
