Midnight Pub

wow, I'm finally here!


I applied for a key 3-4 months ago and had actually given up on receiving one. I'm ok with not having instant gratification, and a lack of automated signup indicated sensible humans in charge, which is always a good thing.

I'll have to read the documentation. I can write html and css but I don't have my laptop currently and doing everything on my phone is not ideal. Deffo not for coding a layout.

So right now I don't even know if line breaks will be preserved. Can I write raw html here? Should I be using paragraph tags?

We shall see.


Welcome to the pub ~fiolajane!



Whatever you do, exercise extreme caution in replying, as there's at least one known nutcase lurking in the less well lit zeroes between the ones.






Thank you ~inquiry ... I wasn't worried before, but now, hmmm, okaaayyyy, yep. How do I know if someone's a nutcase, though?



Check to see if they're human.



Howdo to downunder!

Welcome to the Midnight.




Much thanks! :)



Looking at my reply again.

"Howdy" with a trailing "y" --- how hard can it be?

And Greetings from "upabove" was the word that came to me only hours later. Which proves that I should not try to make conversation with strangers after my brain has entered power save state. Sigh.

~bartender? Something Aussie like to drink? Thanks. Oh the nostalgia. And whatever ~fiolajane fancies, it's on me.

That being said, I had the privilege to travel Australia twice, in 1986 and again some time after 1998. A truely fascinating place. Staying at my old school mates place in Perth,WA is so hiddeously "remote" --- as seen from my everyday European perspective --- its a pleasure. It is just not important, whether the Queen, Boris Johnson, the Pope or Monsieur Macron said something or not. This feeling of "its irrelevant" was especially prominent, after I returned from a trip to Pilbarra, camping out and staring at the sky. Ah, and I can recommend to sit near Esperance on the beach and stare on the dark blue ocean for an extended while. Yes, I have seen nice places, I will not complain, should I drop off this lovely planet with short or no notice.




Thank you again! =)

I've been to Perth WA and was amazed by all the open spaces, even in the city. Compared to the cramped-ness of Sydney it was quite amazing to me. Went to The Pinnacles (more flies than tourists) and Rottnest (the quokkas were shyer pre-smartphone era) and loved it all. Also had great chai lattes from the place opposite our hotel, the likes of which I've never found anywhere else.

Would love to revisit Perth, Darwin, Uluru, Melbourne, Brisbane, and other places less well known, but not for the foreseeable due to

a) travel anxiety and

b) the insane cost of everything.

If we're doing nostalgia, I'd like a West Coast Cooler please (legendary 1980s premixed fizzy wine tipple).

(( sips and sighs ))
