Midnight Pub

Say hi (and give feedback!) to our new editor


Currently, the only way to write posts on Midnight is through the web interface. While I'm probably going to add other ways to post in the future, I wanted to iterate on how the web editor looks and feel.

If you write a new post, you should see the new editor. The goal is to give you more space when you write. I would love to get your feedback on it. For it to run, it needs CSS3, so if you are visiting from lynx or netsurf it will break. That's a trade-off I'm willing to take since writing is a core part of Midnight, and it should be an enjoyable experience to do so. However, the editor does not need any JS at all.


This doesn't directly pertain to the editor, but even though the back button works it might be handy if the notifications page had a link back to the Midnight's home page.



Many thanks for spotting that! It's been corrected.



You're welcome.



Howdy do! This all seems to work nicely so far in Elinks. Please do consider upping the Gemini side, in the fullness of time.



Thanks for reminding me about Elinks! I just tried with it, and while it's okay, the writing experience is far from great. I'm looking for a nice way to write posts while in gemini. I'm still considering the options: command-line client, ssh access, curl?


While I'm probably going to add other ways to post in the future...

An API would be great. The way write.as does theirs is really good in terms of ease from the user's side of things.

Write.as Docs


Thanks for pointing me to that! I'm definitely looking for inspiration. Have you been using it?



I've played with it a little (specifically the JavaScript version), but nothing extensive. Still, the JavaScript API works as advertised, and was certainly easy to set up.
