Midnight Pub




Hey ~jack!

I'm feeling the pain.

~bartender? Just coffee with cream and sugar, and maybe a jar of that home made lemonade ... it's hot on the terrace, so I better go for the shade in the garden ... thank you so much!

Coincidently, I'm at a similar point. My KTM LC8 Adventure from 2003 or so is collecting dust. It's too hot already for my taste. And I have almost never just taken a ride, for riding sake. I have almost always wanted to go from A to B and back home. I have commuted between home and workplace with the Kati many times. She has collected over 120000 km. She has scars and little defects, or lets call it character? But I'm less and less in shape to take her for a ride. And I'm ready to pass her on to someone else just for a brighter future on the road or trail again. I'd even give her away for very little in exchange, a good meal would do.

My first bike was a Yamaha SR500, and I gave her away after collecting some 100000 km in favor of the Kati. And I collected my first 15000 or so km on a Suzuki DR650 (iirc) cruising the Desert South West (Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Southern California). Ah, fond memories of time long gone.

So, maybe the pain will transform into fond memories at some point?





> By the way, folks, I've finally decided to get a room
> here at The Midnight. Stay a while. Don't know for how
> long, but if the landlord won't kick me out I'll probably
> bed in and hide for a couple of years or so. Write
> some poetry, spew out an autofictional novel or two,
> read the Upanishads (again), meditate, cultivate a few
> Bonsai trees or whatever. Until I get my shit together,
> or kick the fucking bucket…

I'm liking the word 'indefinitely' on the "for how long" front.

> So, if you wanna have a look-see… the door is
> open. Just pick up the bow-pen and get on that damn
> Gemini nook spree!
=> gemini://jack.midnight.pub jack.midnight.pub






> You're a good man… or should I say a "Godman"?

I will admit paging through "Be As You Are" in a bookstore in upstate New York sometime in the early to mid 1990s had a life-changing moment kind of feel to it. I still have that copy.

> I'm four years behind you, and I wonder, are those years
> gone? Already?

I get the feeling what seems to be happening is non-different from what we believe is happening.

> Time is circular. I'm certain of it. I can feel the
> future breathing down my neck. From all sides. Like a
> physical dimension, a place within a space, where you can
> see yourself running ahead of time while you're stuck,
> at the same time, in a distant past. Where are you? Here
> or there? Now or then?

I get the feeling "time" isn't anything more than a way of seeing things, e.g. that things last, change, etc. And it seems there's no problem with that other than believing it's anything more than a way of seeing things.

> Well, let's have a coffee and figure this shit out…
> our time has come. And it's getting late.

Bring it, Jackman! ;-)

