Midnight Pub

Rain and heat


I was out weeding just after 8 this morning. Already in the mid 20s, crazy warm for this time of year. A quick breakfast, then back at it: mowing, filling the feeders, etc.

Several more hours of running around, and then the rest of the day has been relaxing. Music practice, working on some future gemlog entries, watching Jays-Mets and the NHL finals.

It's been raining on and off for hours. It hasn't done a thing for the heat. I just took the trash out, and it's _hot_. We're supposed to get back to more seasonable temperatures soon, and I can't wait. I've never seen it this hot this early in the year. It's been a good two weeks of this, too. Haven't been running, and have just taken the dogs for short walks.

Thank goodness for AC. I grew up in a tall, narrow, three story house with no AC. How did I live? I remember sleeping in the basement half the summer. Then glorious radiator heat in the winter, a boiler so massive the family that bought it from my parents when they sold apparently had to have it cut into pieces and lifted out.




Evening coffee is the best coffee. When I'm not being lazy (instant), I'll do moka pot coffee after supper, the way my parents do.





I've learned to like instant - I don't think of it as coffee, just as its own thing. And instant espresso (the Nescafe stuff) is actually surprisingly good.

Out of ease/laziness, I've just learned to drink all my coffee black. I love a cappuccino when I'm at a cafe, but can't be bothered at home, especially when I don't have an espresso machine (or the patience/counterspace for one).



I don't mind cold temperatures, but I have problem with AC. That cold blow makes me sick. Not even in the car during summer.
