Midnight Pub


poet. spreading myself thin. most activity at gemini://rawtext.club/~winter

2024-05-12 that's that done
2024-05-08 Searching for a new place
2023-11-25 sunny and cold
2023-10-09 kelbot: Internet Archive finds
2023-10-07 winterizing
2023-07-23 Discovering new music the old-fashioned way
2023-07-16 Revelations
2023-06-04 Mr. Lucky
2023-06-04 Rain and heat
2023-05-28 Vanishing weekend
2023-05-22 Etymology
2023-05-20 something something yardwork makes beer sweeter
2023-05-08 Duolingo
2023-05-08 If you've been open on the internet for decades you can always go back and dunk on your former self
2023-04-16 Running
2023-03-19 The absurdities of this election-denying age
2023-03-11 Waiting for weather
2023-03-04 Homebrewing
2023-03-02 Ordering Bruckner
2023-02-26 new here/first post