Midnight Pub

Discovering new music the old-fashioned way


...the CD rack.

I was at my favourite independent bookstore this afternoon, and picked up a CD by Tigran Mansurian. I'd maybe (maaaaybe) heard the name before, but I'd picked it up because it's part of ECM's New Series, and it's basically a disc full of music I've never heard. For various configurations of strings and occasionally piano.

I picked it up because Kim Kashkashian plays viola on it, and she's one of my favourite violists. I'm a poor player, and her sound and musicality are things I wish I had, even in the smallest quantity.

I haven't heard it yet. We were out late, came back, put the (recorded) ball game on. We're watching the Jays lose to the Mariners. Again. O this cursed season.

Maybe later, after the lake and supper and our twice-a-week call with my partner's parents. This weekend's been flying. I'm drinking coffee right before bed, and I know I'm going to be asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.


Hello, another old fashioned way is this: I semi-regularly visit a store which displays unbelievable stacks of second had LPs and CDs. If I go there, I mostly ask for something, and then I wander off between the stacks. I always find something intriguing. And if I don't like it, I bring it back. I just have to watch my own space :-)



Sounds wonderful. There's still one or two good places where I live - need to get out there...



My girlfriend refuses to use Amazon after they grossly mishandled a purchase from her that she did not actually purchase. She'd a huge CD-fanatic and hates streaming music on subquality streams.

She currently uses https://www.discogs.com/ for her needs, a site that has been around far longer than Amazon and has literally everything.



Howdy, hat tip to your girl friend! I'm refusing streaming and computer audio as well. There's nothing better than a good set of turntable/cd player, amplifier, speakers!




Haha I read that as Kim Kardashian and almost found myself giving her a shred of respect, a re-read quickly fixed that.



I mean, you wouldn't be the first! Kashkashian was nominated for a Grammy a few years ago, and the media mistakenly reported that Kim Kardashian had been nominated.



That's hilarious!
